Santa Barbara Adventure Co.

Introducing Arroyo Honda and Migaloo!

Rosie, Quicksilver, Great White, and Coastbuster (a.k.a. Vanna White). These are the names of our beloved and trusty adventure vans, who will undoubtedly run thousands of outstanding trips throughout their lifetime. It’s a tough job to excel at, and it’s not just any van that fits the mold. But every once in a while, a young, ambitious, hard-working vehicle comes along and earns a spot on our team.

The Adventure Company family is happy to welcome two new vans with open arms. A silver Honda Odyssey and white Honda Odyssey recently joined our crew, and we are excited to announce that they have been officially named.

There was an overwhelming amount of clever suggestions from our followers and staff, from Yolanda Honda, to Flotsam and Jetsam, to Diatomaceous Earth. Due to the importance of issue, our management team had to make a decision.  After several rounds of voting, passionate debates, and even a freestyle song, the team came to a conclusion.

The silver Honda, which has been referred to as “Honda” for the past year, has been awarded the name Arroyo Honda. The name is a play on Arroyo Hondo, a land preserve on the Gaviota Coast north of Santa Barbara. Rich in both history and natural life, the preserve is a canyon that offers some of the best hiking and walking trails, and also serves as an outdoor classroom for environmental education.



The white Honda Odyssey won the name Migaloo, after the world’s only documented white humpback whale. As an Australian resident, he was given this Australian Aboriginal name meaning “white fella.” His hypo-pigmented color makes him easy to spot, giving researchers insight into humpback migratory patterns. The charismatic creature has also earned his own website, Facebook page, and Twitter account.

Photo: Qld Environmental Protection Agency

Photo: Qld Environmental Protection Agency


Cheers to you, Arroyo and Migaloo! You have already proven yourselves as trusty vans, and we know you’ll live up to the big names you have earned. Here’s to all the salty, sandy surf days, massive food buys, and runs to the harbor yet to come! Be strong; we dread the day you become old and rusty and retire to the big adventure trip in the sky. But have peace of mind in knowing you’ll join the legends of the past: 1-2 and Silver Bullet await, as do others who have rolled before you.

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