If you are trying to plan a trip to Painted Cave on Santa Cruz Island, unfortunately due to transportation logistics, increased costs and guest interest we will not be scheduling regular tours to Painted Cave at this time.
However, you can book kayaking and snorkeling tours on Santa Cruz Island year around by taking the ferry to the island. These tours have the advantage of a “landing” meaning you can also hike and explore the island.

While on the ferry you can whale watching, witness mega dolphin pods and enjoy a quick right to the island. Come and see blue whales, bald eagles, mega pods of dolphins and beautiful sea life.

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How much is this trip
Hi Gicela – it is $299 for adults and $275 for children, all gear, guides, transportation, breakfast, lunch, snorkeling all included. You can view more here: https://www.sbadventureco.com/adventures/channel-islands/#Painted-Cave-Kayak
Can you tell me what dates are still open for August?
Hi Margo! August Dates: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 21st please let us know if you need help letsgo@sbadventureco.com
Any chance you’ll extend the 2019 season into September?
Hi Barbara, no we generally only run June-August
You can visit the islands on our other trips in September!
How long is this trip?
Painted Cave is a full day trip. Generally you meet at 7:30am at the harbor and return around 5pm. Feel free to give us a call at 805-884-9283 with any other questions.