Santa Barbara Adventure Co.

Adventure Chronicles from “CEO” Mike

michael cohen adventure company santa barbara

Welcome to the Santa Barbara Adventure Company’s new Blog!  My name is Michael, I started SBACo 13 years ago. I am known around my office as “the guy who is always leaving”. Leaving because SB Adventure Co has gotten to a point where lots of trips and planning are happening all at once.  I gotta meet someone about a teambuilding program with orienteering. Or Rosy, our faithful red van, has broken down (again). Or I am leaving because there is a 6’ swell and I can find 2 hours on a Tuesday to go surfing, what I call “research”.

As the owner, trainer and chief cooler cleaner, I am duty bound to help make our adventure trips as awesome as possible. The guides are working so hard to make the trips great. They show up early in the morning, pack up, check all the lists, and head out.  And when they come back they have what I call “happy trip glow”. Usually they are smiling and exhausted, kinda wind-swept and salt stained from a day on the water.

I ask them about their trip, and the stories are amazing.  Brina witnessed a humpback whale breach not 100 yards from her kayak, while at the Santa Cruz Island. Someone got sea sick and chummed while pointing and shouting at a pod of dolphins, elated, near Refugio. Jen tells me about two bobcats who where growling and carrying on in the throes of romance in the bushes near the ropes course. You just can’t make this stuff up.

Hence this blog. The guides and guests are having amazing moments every trip. We laugh about it and try to learn what we could improve, and then it is gone. A moment passed. “NO MORE”, I say! This blog should be a living document of the amazing adventures and lessons we have learned on our journeys.

We want to share our stories about our adventures with you. We will try to make it interesting with funny moments, tall tales and interviews from crusty old surf dogs or mountain guides. We want your thoughts and stories too.  So please, come back often, post a comment or submit a story. Remember photos tell the greatest tales.

Let me finish by asking a question of you, the reader. What was your favorite moment from your last great adventure?

Thanks for reading, looking forward to hearing from you soon! -Mike

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